Known Issues
- Exponents that are either negative, larger than 9, or not integers need to be placed in parenthesis to evaluate correctly.
- Results in large matrix calculations can sometimes be inconsistent when using decimals.
- Simplification of variables in numerator/denominator of a multivariable equation not always carried out. More
simplification to be added.
- Trigonometric identities to be added. Currently the only one implemented is cos2 + sin2 = 1.
Once these are implemented more functions will follow such as Surface Areas, Surface Integrals, etc.
- When using inverse function for a matrix with variables, output can be very long due to not simplifying some parts.
Try using invAdj function.
- Floating point precision to be worked on. Noticeable when using large matrices with calculations such as finding
LU decomposition of a matrix, inverses, etc.
- Can run slowly/freeze while other programs are being used as the same time. If this happens try closing the other
programs while using this utility.
- Some incorrect matrix element display errors that do not affect the correct computation.
- Currently does not give any output while using Firefox on a Mac.
- When using the eigen function, if eigenvalues turn out to be decimals the subsequent solving for their
eigenvectors will sometimes fail.
- Differential equation problem types can be hit or miss. Currently working on making them
more consistent.